Make Your Next Car a Beamer

Ever taken a much-needed break and found yourself thinking that a beer would be the perfect thing–if only you didn’t have to get up and get it? There might be a solution…in space.

We may not be ready to beam ourselves up just yet, but NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts program, which encourages the development of revolutionary space technology, has just given $100,000 to a team of scientists developing tractor beams.

Tractor beams are lasers that function like vacuums. They trap objects–for now, cosmic particles and dust–and transport them to a rover or spacecraft for analysis.

Originally, scientists thought they might be able to use tractor beams to move space debris, but it’ll be a while before we can move something that big. So don’t worry–your spacecraft won’t be caught and pulled in by a tractor beam by the evil empire any time soon.

However, tractor beams could be used to collect planetary and atmospheric samples instead of drilling into the surface of a planet. Tractor beams would also have wider reach and duration than other sample collecting techniques, such as using spacecrafts using aerogels to collect samples from a small area as they fly through.

There are currently three ideas for developing tractor beams. The first is to use an optical vortex, or two beams of light spinning in opposite directions. Particles would be confined to the space inside the circling beams. By alternating the intensity of one or both of the beams, which causes a temperature change around the particles, scientists can move the particles. Applications of this technique are limited, as it can only be used inside of an atmosphere. Biologists have long been using this technique to hold particles in place for examination and experimentation.

The second technique, however, could work in space. It involves using optical solenoid beams that use electromagnets to intensify the force generated by two similar beams of spinning light, which repels the particles away from the light source.

The third technique is, thus far, only theoretical. It relies on the Bessel beam, which unlike a normal laser, generates rings of light around a point, instead of generating only a single point. Theoretically, such a laser could create electric and magnetic fields and the resulting ripples of light could then move objects.

The optical vortex, also known as “optical tweezers,” is probably our best bet for corralling that faraway beer–though for now, you’ll still have to get up and walk to the fridge. But how cool will it be when we can summon that drink while watching multiple moons rise?

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I Know What You Saw Last Summer

One afternoon at the end of freshman year of college, I got called into the President’s Office where an icy administrator confronted me about a food fight that my friends and I had been planning over email. He knew everything.

I was more frightened by the idea that they’d stripped this information from my email than I was about any of the “serious consequences” I’d suffer if the food fight happened.

That was 12 years ago. That Big Brother has access to our electronic communication is, sadly, fact. Next up, mind reading.

In science fiction and fantasy, not all mind-reading is the same.

Sookie Stackhouse struggles to actively shut out the mind chatter of those around her. In Inception, dreams can be raided for information. In Babylon 5, telepaths can gain access to thoughts, feelings, and memories by performing a mind scan.

Sookie was born that way, as a result of supernatural rather than technological powers. Neuroscientists can monitor brain scans of sleeping patients, though no existing technology provides access to the dreams, or entrance into them.

But getting inside our waking minds is another story.

Researchers were able to reconstruct images from subjects’ brain activity, essentially reproducing what the subjects had seen moments before.

Researchers carefully monitored brain activity in 1,000 spots of the visual cortex as subjects watched hours of movie trailers. The researchers essentially figured out which images in the clip corresponded to brain activity in specific areas.

From this, they made a computer program that can translate images to parts of the brain. They increased the translator’s bank of images by running 18 millions seconds of video through the program.

Then, the test subjects watched a new series of images. The computer selected the 100 images in its bank that would produce brain activity that corresponded most closely to brain activity of the subjects as they watched these new images.

The computer’s clips are pretty blurry, given that this is a test of concept, but some images are dead on, and the others are the right size, shape, and color.

Watch image reproduction.

If a computer’s database held billions of images, or perhaps an ever-increasing number of images as recorded from the outside world, then theoretically it could perfectly reproduce what someone saw.

Just as Talia on Babylon 5 plays back someone else’s memory in order to look for a murderer, it could be possible to capture images, which might or might not be actual memories, from someone’s brain. The polygraph is still struggling for credibility, so it’ll probably be a while before anyone could use a reproduction of our brain images against us–at least, in court.

Capturing images is different than capturing thoughts and feelings, and it’s a good thing. If an image of Voldemort makes you think of your boss, or an image of an egg makes you think of how you blew up the microwave and lied about it afterwards, you’re safe. For now. Until someone invents the mind probe.

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Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads

Wouldn’t it be great if all it took to time travel was reaching a speed of 88 miles an hour and harnessing 1.21 gigawatts of energy?

I won’t be greedy. I’d settle for a hoverboard.

Maybe the hoverboard won’t be on my Christmas list this year, but it might not be too long before it is.

The School of Physics at Tel Aviv University recently demonstrated success in achieving “quantum levitation.” They created a superconducting magnetic system that allows an object to hover above a magnet. It doesn’t just float there–it’s actually quantum locked.

The moving object, in this case a disc, is coated with a superconducting layer of liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen freezes the disk and allows it to lock the magnetic field from the magnet below. This lock is so strong that it doesn’t break when you push, tilt, or spin the disc, so the object remains in levitation. Quantum locking is so strong that it can works even when the disc travels underneath the track.

Watch the quantum levitation clip here.

Still, there are a few details to iron out before hoverboards hit the market, or before you can buy your first flying car.

First: where on earth can we find a big, strong magnet?

One of the reasons this technology is so exciting is that it could harness one of earth’s most powerful existing forces. Earth’s magnetic field brings our hoverboard dreams a little closer to reality. We just have to figure out exactly how to harness and perhaps amplify it. The shape of the object would likely come into play here–something more three-dimensional than a disc might be able to more effectively capture a magnetic field.

If we’re going to make flying cars or a public transportation system like the one in Minority Report, we’ll need to make sure the superconductors can hold enough weight. One idea is to use one of several existing techniques or figure out new means to increase the amount of energy stored by a superconductor. However, as electro-magnetic current increases, a superconductor can reach critical current, which compromises a material’s superconductivity.

The biggest hurdle is keeping the superconductor cool, especially when the object is much larger than a disk. One would think that a New England winter would suffice, but apparently not. Scientists are making some progress with ceramic, but nothing that has solved this problem (another drawback of ceramic is that it can’t withstand as much weight). On the bright side, I hear space is pretty cold.

Despite the obstacles, the footage from the Association of Science-Technology Centers dazzles with possibility. Think of what we could do if we could circumvent friction. Think of the breaking systems. Cogs and gears moving without actually touching. Think of the rollercoasters. The air hockey. One day in the near future, you might be able to hitch a ride on the back of a flying car while on a hoverboard. Just be sure you don’t end up back in the Wild West thinking, giga-whatt?

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In Event of Cosmic Radiation, Please Take the Stairs

Even though the privatization of space flight might make it possible for (extremely rich) people to realize their dreams of travelling to space, I’m waiting for the day when I can step into an elevator and push the button for floor 1,000,000,006.

While Arthur Clarke takes the credit for popularizing the idea in his 1978 book Fountains of Paradise, we’ve actually been imagining such a structure for a long time. The space elevator is essentially a futuristic spin on Jack’s beanstalk. In 1895, a Russian scientist suggested the earliest prototype for a space elevator, the “Celestial Castle,” which would orbit earth while tethered to a structure that looks a bit like the Eiffel Tower.

When asked about a timeline for the realization of the space elevator, Arthur Clarke said, “Probably about 50 years after everybody quits laughing.” Well, it seems we’ve stopped laughing–there’s an International Space Elevator Consortium, which I’d give my right rocket booster to join; the 61st International Astronautical Congress in Prague earlier this year included a panel about the space elevator; and NASA recently held a Strong Tether Contest at the Space Elevator Conference sponsored by the Space Engineering and Science Institute.

In the 1990s, NASA conducted a feasibility study of space elevators. The design envisioned by scientists positions the center of the elevator’s mass in a stationary orbit around earth. A counterweight, such as an asteroid or space port, beyond the center of mass would prevent the elevator from falling down to earth. A power source would propel elevator cars up a cable that runs from a stationary platform on the ground to the mass center. Such a design would require three basic parts: the elevator car, a power source, and the cable.

We’ve already got robots that can climb ropes while lifting heavy objects (where were these in gym class?), so presumably the elevator car would be an advanced version capable of carrying bigger and heavier materials. This part is relatively easy.

A harder question is how to propel the elevator cars up the cable. We need a wireless power transmission device of some kind, and the most popular theory is that we’ll use lasers. These lasers would be located on the ground platform and would point up to the elevator itself, which would have a dish capable of capturing and converting the lasers into propulsion power. The ability to convert lasers into power is one we already have, but we’ve never converted the amount of power it would take to move the space elevator. Another problem is that as the elevator ascends, the laser beams would become scattered and diffuse, and possibly blocked by clouds, which means that the majority of the beam wouldn’t actually reach the dish. We’re still working on this one.

Harder still is the elevator cable. Arthur Clarke imagined a “continuous pseudo-one dimensional diamond crystal,” and what scientists have come up with isn’t so different–carbon nanotube material. It’s 100 times stronger than steel, but weighs 1/6th as much. This material is actually a ribbon, and is thinner than paper (the strong tether competition primarily involves carbon nanotube designs). While these nanotubes are the strongest material known to man, we’ve never used them on a scale big enough to build anything–essentially, we have to convert micromaterial to macromaterial, which is much easier said than done and may require inventing an entirely new material.

Even if we figure out a way to invent a cable made from carbon nanotube material, it wouldn’t be immune from breakage. Storms on the ground in the area of the platform, lightning in the air, cosmic rays, radiation, and space debris could all cause breakage. While this might seem dangerous, I think the important thing is that it’d be perfectly safe to play hockey inside the space elevator.

In another potential space elevator cable setback, recent calculations by a scientist at the Polytechnic of Turin revealed that when flawlessly intact, an individual nanotube can withstand 100 gigapascals of tension, but if the nanotube is missing even a single atom, its ability to withstand tension decreases by as much as 30%. Additionally, recent studies of macromaterials show that when many carbon nanotubes are connected, their strength decreases drastically–they can withstand only about 1 gigapascal of tension. What we lose in elevator science we gain in learning that there’s a unit of measurement as cool as a gigapascal.

This also explains why no one won this year’s Strong Tether Contest.

Despite the cable problem, scientists will keep working on the space elevator. It’s certainly far cheaper (and more environmentally friendly) than launching people and objects up in rockets. And when our elevators succeed in moving toward the stars, we can finally address some other pressing issues, such as what kind of music will be played on these elevators. And maybe, just maybe, as the elevator is about to stop, we can jump and float like we’ve always dreamed.

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Anime Killed the Hollywood Star

Jumpstarted by Milli Vanilla’s Grammy-sized betrayal and carried on by scads of “artists” since, voice alteration and reproduction, be it lip-synching or Auto tune, has become a mainstay of the entertainment industry. If you’re one of those people who think that the increasing irrelevance and phasing out of the real live human voice reveals a shocking and sad truth about the degenerating music industry, brace yourself. This is just the beginning.

In 1996, Connie Willis wrote a book called Remake, in which Hollywood is all software and manipulation. Computer-generated images replace real actors, and instead of producing new movies, Hollywood simply remakes old movies using these technological techniques. All the live actors are then free to do whatever they wish, which involves endless debauchery, of course. And law suits.

Since we’ve witnessed it happen with music, the possibility that the film industry, or any other visual performance medium, could be reduced to flashy images and digital reproductions is particularly resonant. Now, 15 years later, it’s no longer just a possibility.

In Japan, where a man married his avatar girlfriend, millions flock to concerts in which anime characters, rather than live people, perform. Hatsune Miku, a holographic cartoon character with bright blue, nearly floor-length pigtails and angel wings rises up from inside the stage, sporting thigh-high stockings, platform heels, and arm gauntlets. She sings and dances in front of millions of devoted fans, regularly selling out shows in Japan, and even one in Los Angeles. Last year, she had a number one single.

Watch Hatsune Miku on Youtube.

Miku’s holographic presentation is carefully and flawlessly crafted and rendered, and Yamaha’s Vocaloid software takes concepts pioneered by Auto tune to a whole level of vocal possibility. Fans can even write and submit songs for her to sing.

Recently, fans noticed that there was something strange about the new member of Japanese pop band AKB48. The band confirmed that she, a 16-year-old girl, is actually an avatar comprised of the facial features of the six existing human band members. AKB48 may not make it to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but they’ll make history as the first band with a computer-generated member.

Many music fans have accepted lip synching as a part of the business, and many don’t think twice about the incorporation of Auto tune and other voice-alteration software. Fans of AKB48 and Hatsune Miku love these artists not in spite of, but because of their incorporation of cutting-edge audio and visual technology. The question is, how far will it go?

Are we headed for a Remake-style future where live performers and actors become obsolete?

For the moment, computer-generated stars are still relatively novel and concentrated largely in Japan, which tends to be the frontrunner of such trends. This trend could either spread across the world, or remain in the idiosyncratic niche it’s carved for itself.

Part of the appeal is novelty, but there’s more than that. Sal9000, the screenname of the man who married a video game character, claims he got the ultimate catch–his animated love adapts to his wishes and never gets angry at him. It’s easier for him to express love in the virtual world than in the real one, so this is the safest and most gratifying relationship he can imagine.

Fans’ adoration of computer-generated superstars is similarly gratifying and risk-free. These artists won’t get intoxicated, sick, or injured before a performance. They won’t cancel appearances due to personal problems. They’ll never be arrested for drunk driving, they’ll never throw punches at the paparazzi, and they won’t die at 27. Their routines will never suddenly fall below par—sure, they’ll be robotic because they are robotic, but they’ll be consistent. And when they figure out a way to sign autographs, they’ll never refuse.

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Cylons Shouldn’t Sweat

In 1950, Alan Turing sought to answer the question “can machines think?” He designed a test that involved a computer having a typed conversation with a human. If a third party couldn’t consistently tell the computer from the human, the computer “won,” and passed the thinking test.

Now, Turing’s test is obsolete. Robots have virtually immeasurable knowledge or “intelligence”–Watson, for example, mopped the floor with human Jeopardy champs and conducted himself appropriately and consistently with its human competitors.

The more relevant question now is, can machines feel?

In Battlestar Galactica, cylons–particularly number 6 and Sharon Agathon/Boomer–fall in love with humans (and humans fall in love with them). Cylons feel fear, jealousy, anxiety, grief, and devotion, as well as love. Some humans, such as Starbuck, have trouble wrapping their brains around the fact that the cylons are no different from them.

The concept of robots being indistinguishable from humans pops up in Bradbury, Asimov, Philip K. Dick, and many others, and it’ll keep recurring because robots will become increasingly integrated into our lives.

There are a host of questions surrounding robots’ ability to feel emotions–are robots actually sentient? Does an appropriate expression of an emotion equate to having the feeling itself? And the big philosophical can of worms–is it possible for a robot to have a soul?

In order for artificial intelligence to truly feel anything, it first has to be self-aware–a process robots have already begun. Robots whose “brains” have artificial nerve cell groups that encourage image recognition and cognition have successfully identified themselves in a mirror. They’ve also been able to distinguish between themselves and other similar robots. Robots also identify themselves as moving when they perform certain actions while looking in a mirror.

Much as it is with human babies, such self-awareness is a crucial developmental step to learning and developing intelligence, behavior, and feelings. Practically, self-recognition paves the way for the cognitive and interactive functioning necessary for robots to become teachers. Body recognition allows robots to adjust and interact more effectively with their physical surroundings.

At Cornell University’s Computational Synthesis Laboratory, scientists made a robot that looks like a starfish. The scientists programmed the robot with an inventory of its own body parts, but not an understanding of how its body worked. When the scientists directed the robot to move, the robot used trial and error to figure out how its body parts worked together, and to discern the most effective (though strange-looking) way to move. The researchers then removed a leg from the robot and eventually it re-learned how to move.

Numerous positive and negative reinforcement experiments are currently being conducted to test robots’ ability to learn and adapt their behavior. So far, robots have proven able to learn and adapt at a faster rate than animals or humans.

Eventually, these tests will attempt to link robots to other beings, human or robot. Once a robot has adapted its own behavior, it can theoretically begin to identify the origin of someone/something else’s behavior, make predictions, and possibly influence adaptation in someone or something else. Essentially, a robot could learn how to manipulate.

Could a robot put on a show, as a human does? Could we tell the difference between a robot actually feeling and it simply acting as if it’s feeling?

Hanson Robotics, whose mission includes “awaken[ing] intelligent robotic beings” and “grant[ing] them sparks of true consciousness and creativity,” has teamed up with UC San Diego’s Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology and invented a robot designed to interact naturally with humans.

The Einstein robot, which does indeed look like Albert Einstein with wild white hair and a wide smile, perceives the emotions of whoever it interacts with. With the help of 31 motors working together, Einstein can smile or display other emotions, such as worry, confusion, and interest, which involve furrowing brows, widening or squinting eyes, and changing the shape of the mouth. Einstein largely mimics what it perceives in the humans it interacts with. Armed with facial recognition software, which is currently being used to help children with autism recognize and return appropriate emotional and social expressions, Einstein picks up on cues that suggest age, gender, and emotional state, and then mimics reactions such as nods, smiles, and other expressions of emotion.

The Einstein robot mimics, rather than generates genuine feeling. But it will become more and more difficult to distinguish between the two. Hanson Robotics, as well as countless other scientists, is attempting to build a complete brain for a robot, which includes the ability not only to display, but to actually feel emotions. “It’s very important that we develop empathic machines, machines that have compassion, machines that understand what you’re feeling,” argues David Hanson. It seems unavoidable that robots will become as intelligent as humans, and imbuing robots with empathy and emotion would increase the chances of robots using their capabilities for good. Robots that can express emotions are currently practicing feelings they may soon experience.

“In a way, we’re planting the seeds for the survival of humanity,” Hanson says. Who knows-maybe he’s right. But I suspect that Hanson’s watched and read more science fiction than I have, in which case he knows how often robots’ self-awareness leads to their hatred of humans and fuels impressive emotional capabilities indeed–usually in the form of anger and desire for revenge. It seems unlikely that we’ll avoid that end by refraining from creating robots to serve us, so perhaps we humans could benefit from a little extra programming when it comes to compassion while we’re at it.

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Just What Do You Think You’re Doing, Dave?

I’d rather be stuck in an elevator with Freddy Kruger than with HAL.

Cool as a cucumber, mind-bogglingly capable, and unfailingly and often maddeningly reasonable, HAL appears to be the perfect spaceship computer. Among other things, HAL can speak, recognize and process others’ speech, recognize faces, and interpret and mimic emotional responses. What’s perhaps more impressive and more frightening is the panic and shame he feels when he realizes he’s made a mistake.

Almost anyone can relate to the cause of HAL’s meltdown–it starts when he’s wrong about something important. HAL reports a nonexistent problem with the ship’s communications antenna, and when it becomes clear that the antenna is functioning properly, HAL goes haywire. Making a mistake compromises his ability to carry out his programmed directives and violates everything he’s supposed to be. In order to protect himself from the worst kind of failure—disconnection—HAL kills almost all of the astronauts onboard.

Perhaps we should be worried about whether our PCs have, or will have, the potential to freak out on us.

One salient difference between humans and machines is that machines don’t know when they’ve malfunctioned. They might shutdown or employ an automatic safety mechanism, but they don’t cognitively process their own malfunction or ask themselves what it means. Yet.

IBM has recently developed a “cognitive computing” microchip that simulates the innerworkings of the human brain. The chip is designed to help computers learn, rather than simply store and retrieve information.

The chip forms a “neurosynaptic core” with “neurons” that help with processing and remembering, just as they do in the human brain. The chip’s RAM works like synapses between neurons, which promote learning and recollection.

IBM’s chip would allow the computer to receive and synthesize sensory inputs, such as smell, feeling, and appearance. The chip would also promote identification and recognition–theoretically, computers could recognize obstacles and problems, as well as faces and other objects.

In other words, a computer powered by IBM’s chip could identify a failing piece of machinery on a space shuttle. It could also, theoretically, invent a problem if it could conceive of a reason to do so.

Currently, when a virus attacks, programs crash, or plug-ins stop working, computers identify a problem. But maybe those problems are like influenza or chicken pox–once potentially deadly, but now generally treatable. What remains to be seen is whether a computer with one of these chips would or could identify the problem as something more profound. Perhaps having a “brain” could cause a computer to perceive such a problem as failure, in which case you’d better hope you’re not halfway to Jupiter.

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Doing the Time Warp

Have you ever noticed that humans seem to be waiting for aliens to visit us, rather than the other way around?

The reason for this is the commute. At its closest, Jupiter is roughly 390 million miles away. Alpha Centauri, the star system closest to Earth, is roughly 25 trillion miles away, or 4.3 light years. That’s a long time to play I Spy.

Science fiction solved this problem long ago. Star Trek ships warp. The Galactica spools up its FTL drive and jumps. The Millennium Falcon has hyper drive. Babylon 5 sends and receives interstellar traffic via jump gates.

Will humans ever master faster than light travel?

There are a few theories about how to do this, just as there are different types of faster-than-light travel in science fiction.

Hyper drive assumes the existence of hyperspace, an accessible alternate dimension. Hyper drive shoots a spaceship into this hyperspace, where it can travel at far greater speeds. The ship then re-enters real space when it reaches its destination.

Unlike hyper drive, jump drive instantaneously transports a ship to its destination, like teleportation. First suggested in Asimov’s Foundation series, a ship using jump drive could travel light years in an instant.

Hyper drive and jump drive rely on propulsion technologies. Scientists have made great strides in these technologies, particularly in ion propulsion, which uses solar panels to gather energy. A few years ago, the European Space Agency’s Smart-1 satellite successfully used ion propulsion. Still, it would take the Smart-1 approximately 81,000 years to reach Alpha Centauri.

Nuclear pulse propulsion, however, could get a spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in only 85 years. First proposed in 1947, NASA, DARPA, and other organizations have tried to develop this technology, but have run into technical and ethical complications, which makes sense given that the propulsion power is generated via nuclear explosion.

Warp drive avoids the issue of propulsion entirely. Instead, it manipulates the space-time that surrounds a ship, creating a kind of bubble, or a space-time bridge that a space craft enters. Warp drive is very similar to a wormhole, or a hypothetical shortcut through space. This is essentially the same idea as the tesseract proposed by Madeleine L’Engle in A Wrinkle in Time, in which people essentially fold space—if space is a sheet of paper and you’re on one side, you get to the other not by crossing the entire paper, but by folding the paper and stepping right to the other end.

Not all wormholes are traversable (a black hole won’t get you to Alpha Centauri), but many physicists believe that traversable wormholes spontaneously exist, although there isn’t any way to currently predict or create their appearance. All we need to do to create traversable wormholes ourselves is to get our hands on matter with negative mass and energy density. Someone ought to check Ebay.

Many physicists believe that right after the Big Bang, the universe expanded faster than the speed of light. One theory is that if we could get space to expand behind a ship and shrink in front of it, we could essentially create warp technology. The 11th dimension may hold the key to warp technology, as manipulating it could theoretically create dark energy, which is thought to cause the universe’s expansion.

One of the biggest advocates of the possibility of wormhole travel is Stephen Hawking, who believes that “the only way to get from one side of the galaxy to the other, in a reasonable time, would seem to be if we could warp space-time so much that we created a little tube or wormhole. This could connect the two sides of the galaxy and act as a short cut….” Of course, if we can warp space-time, then, theoretically, we should be able to time travel. But that’s another post for another time. For now, I’ll wait for the future me to come back and explain everything.

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Now You See Me…Now You Don’t

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

For me, teleportation is the clear winner. Flying, communicating with animals, and producing cheese from my fingertips would also be awesome.

Every time I ask this question to friends or students, most choose the power of invisibility. And why not? Think of all the shenanigans you could pull off. Sure, most of them would be illegal, but we’re talking victimless crimes, right?

Most of us associate invisibility cloaks with fantasy more than with science fiction. Frodo and Harry Potter use them, as do savvy Dungeons and Dragons players. Even Hades had one (well, his was more of a hat, but it’s the same idea). But there are invisibility cloaks in science fiction—they just tend to be bigger and have a slightly more technical name. Cloaking devices can hide entire spaceships, as seen in Star Wars and Star Trek.

Arthur Clarke said that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” and the invisibility cloak is a perfect example.

Scientists have been working on invisibility cloaks for years. Optical camouflage, like the blue screens used to produce fantastical scenes in movies, is one option. Researchers are working on ways to use this technology to make someone look invisible, and to project other images on their bodies.

For a while, invisibility cloaks could only hide microscopic objects. Recent breakthroughs include work with the mineral calcite, which, provided that the light waves are moving in the same direction, can divide and reflect light rays and create spaces that can’t be seen. Using calcite, scientists can hide bigger objects, such as paper clips and rolls of paper. This may not seem like much, but soon we’ll be able to finally pull off with finesse that lame trick of tapping someone on the shoulder and moving so they can’t see who touched them. From there, invisibility pranking will become a new hobby for millions.

Recent research also revolves around metamaterials, a synthetically structured pattern that has different electromagnetic properties than the raw materials. These materials can create a negative refractive index, which essentially bends light around an object, making it seem invisible. This technology is the one most likely to make your space ship invisible. And if they can’t see you, they can’t freeze you in carbonite.

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You Think They’ll Have that on the Tour?

I don’t know about you, but even when all hell breaks loose in Jurassic Park and the Velociraptors chase children and overturn cars and the T-Rex shakes the ground and makes Godzilla look like a flea, I’m still thinking, what a great idea! Why hasn’t anyone done this?

I’m not advocating making a theme park or breeding anything that dines on people–just recreating some pterodactyls, and maybe a brontosaurus or a stegosaurus. Maybe a triceratops, if we want to get fancy. In addition to dinosaurs, I’ve always wanted to see a woolly mammoth and, because they look as goofy as their name suggests, a dodo bird.

In order for Crichton’s fictitious scenario to become reality, a few things have to be scientifically mastered. First, we have to be able to extract viable DNA from fossils, carcasses, or remains, and secondly, we have to be able to replicate that DNA. As plausible as the idea sounds in the book, mosquitoes in amber won’t do the trick.

DNA’s viability after death depends on the type of DNA, as well as its storage environment. Certain species have particularly fragile DNA, and some are more susceptible to environmental factors that contribute to the cultivation of bacteria, fungi, and other chemical reactions that break down DNA. Cool and dry storage conditions help DNA maintain transferability, and studies have shown that DNA up to 100,000 years old can be extracted from fossils provided that the environment is ideal.

Neanderthals unearthed in Germany, Russia, and Italy, roughly 20,000-30,000 years old, have all yielded DNA that scientists were able to sequence. Among other things, scientists discovered that Neanderthal and humans are genetically quite distinct. I think someone has already figured out how to clone these creatures:

DNA has also been recovered from woolly mammoths, which became extinct around the end of the Pleistocene era, about 10,000 years ago. In the last few years, scientists at Penn State were able to use hair samples to sequence the genome of the woolly mammoth—a first for extinct species. However, recreating the species is a much more difficult task because cloning requires a nucleus with intact DNA. Once a cell dies, DNA ceases to be viable for cloning. Ideally, researchers hope to find frozen sperm or a pregnant mammoth carcass, though muscle, skin, or tissue could house viable DNA. No such sample has been found yet, though in May 2007, a Russian reindeer herder found a nearly perfectly preserved carcass of a baby mammoth, which he sold for food and snowmobiles; some reports indicate that some hungry sled dogs used the specimen as a chew toy before the herder handed it over.

The cloning process would involve putting a genetically viable mammoth nucleus into an elephant egg stripped of its DNA; scientists would fertilize the DNA-less elephant egg with the mammoth DNA and then try to catalyze mitosis via electric current. The other option is breeding–if researchers found frozen mammoth sperm with intact DNA, they could inject it into an elephant egg in a process not terribly different than in vitro fertilization for humans. Elephants seem to be the most logical choice for cross-breeding; their genetic composition is somewhere between 98 and 99% the same as the woolly mammoth. Earlier this year, scientists from Kyoto University began a project to fertilize the egg cells of an African elephant with mammoth DNA . Their goal is to produce a baby elemoths or mamephants in the next six years.

The closest real-world replica of Crichton’s book is a result of a decade’s worth of work by a team of Russian and Japanese scientists who retrieve DNA from extinct creatures and cross-breed it with their closest living counterparts. “Pleistocene Park” is currently home to Yakutian horses, reindeer, elk, moos, snow sheep, and musk ox, and they recently introduced the wood bison, a close relative of the extinct steppe bison. Anyone already planning a trip to Siberia should make a stop here.

Seeing as how dinosaurs ruled the earth somewhere between 65 and 225 million years ago, it’s almost certainly impossible (leaving just a bit of wiggle room for chaos theory) that any of their DNA has survived. But that won’t stop us from trying. Bringing back an extinct species is akin to bringing back the dead, but on a bigger scale. It’s something gods might do. It also provides a certain sense of comfort–if we eradicate a species from this earth either by destroying its home, its food, or the creatures themselves, there’s the chance we could undo the mistake (or at least try).

While dinosaurs will live in on fiction only, I do predict that in the next 25 years, the woolly mammoth will become the tundra’s greatest source of tourist revenue and its biggest consumer of hair care products.

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